새로운 소식

UK 배급사 Unearthed Sounds 폐업

Akin18 2023. 7. 10. 16:39

브렉시트, 코로나, 물가 상승을 견디지 못하고 Dorset에 기반을 둔 Unearthed Sounds가 이달말 폐업한다고 밝혔다.

UK의 배급사이자 온라인 유통업자 Unearthed Sounds 가 7월말 문을 닫는다.


Dorset에 본사를 둔 이 회사는 7/3 고객에게 보낸 성명서에서 해당 소식을 전했다. "현재의 금융 환경에서 이 비즈니스를 계속 할 방법이 없다는 결론에 이르렀다." 회사는 브렉시트, 코로나, 물가 상승을 기인 요소로 언급하며, 최근의 위기를 "마지막 결정타" 라고 했다.


해당 성명서에는 계속 해서 "이러한 도전은 Unearthed Sounds에만 국한된 것이 아니라 음악 산업의 다양한 주체들과 사실상 비즈니스 커뮤니티 전체에 영향을 미쳤다는 것을 인식하는 것이 중요하다. Unearthed Sounds의 폐업에도 불구하고, 우리는 음악 커뮤니티가 계속해서 진화하고 예술가, 래이블, 음악 애호가들이 여결되는 방법을 찾기를 희망한다. 여러분을 그리워할 것이고, 대단한 여정이었다"라고 전한다.


해당 성명서는 회사 해체 후 Jonathan Wilson 이 계속해서 디지털 배급 부분을 독립적으로 운영할 것임을 확인했다.


영국 남부 해안에 위치한 Poole에 기반을 둔 Unearthed Sounds는 2014년부터 운영되어 왔다. 이 회사는 Base music, dubstep, drum & base 등 영국의 댄스음악을 전문적으로 다뤄왔다.


아래 전문을 첨부 한다.


To all current clients of Unearthed Sounds,

There is no easy way to say this.

It's with deep regret that we announce the closure of Unearthed Sounds as of July 31st, 2023.

This isn't a decision we have made lightly, but after many months of internal discussions, planning meetings and external consultations, we've reached the conclusion that there's no way this business can continue in the present financial climate. This industry, like many others, has been impacted over the last three years by the Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit and the cost-of-living crisis.

Please understand, it's important to note that we have NOT been placed into receivership, this is a voluntary decision and the business will operate as normal until the end of the month. All stock that is owned by you will be available to collect or to be sent to you. If you have costs against your account then this will need to be cleared in full prior to arranging any stock moving from Unearthed Warehouse.

Statements are due out on July 15th as normal and we will be happy to continue to offer out your records for sale until July 31st. Digital distribution (and wider availability of services) will continue operating via Jon W. See below for more info.

Covid-19: Obviously, the pandemic had a significant impact on the music industry, including the closure of venues, cancellation of events and reduced music sales. We faced difficulties due to the disruption caused by lockdown measures and restrictions on staffing. Although we managed to continue trading through this period, it was very difficult to manage staff and vinyl deliveries. The upshot was it left us in a situation where our cashflow was eaten up by many thousands of records getting delivered all at once, when we were expecting them to be staggered over the best part of a year.

Brexit: While avoiding turning this statement into a monologue about Brexit, I think anybody reading this will realise how it must have impacted a business that imports the vast majority of its stock from Europe, and also has many end users there. The uncertainties and changes in trade agreements affecting supply chains and increased costs for us, while also leading to a loss of sales due to exports being down.

Cost-of-living crisis: The last straw for us. When the cost of living rises, individuals have less disposable income available for non-essential purchases like vinyl. Retailers and distributors alike face challenges in convincing consumers that the value of and experience of physical media justify the price. Unfortunately, as shops feel the pinch, so do we.

It's important to recognise that these challenges aren't unique to Unearthed Sounds, but have affected various players in the music industry, and indeed the business community as a whole. Despite the closure of Unearthed Sounds, we hope the music community continues to evolve and find ways to connect artists, labels and music enjoyers. We will miss you all. It's been a hell of a ride.

Matt Harwood and everyone at Unearthed Sounds.

